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Reply To: MTCS

Home Forums General General Board MTCS Reply To: MTCS

Roy Simson

Well I can only speak for myself but if people still continue to do there competence assessments via MTCS all there doing is just buying a cert and nothing more since how can MTCS assess your competence when they dont even know you ? Assessments should be done in house by the companys that know your working standards . When I was running projects for Oceaneering it was standard procedure to fill out competence assessment on each crew member so this is nothing new .

If you have been working for the same company for 5 years and they wont issue you with a work reference then there is someone very strange going on however should that be the case contact the person you was working under and get them to write you out a work reference as all we are looking for is a way to confirm your level of experience .

Its good practice every time you work for a company to request a work reference then when a future client requests proof of competence you just pull out your work references next to all your other certs and documents .

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