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Reply To: MTCS

Home Forums General General Board MTCS Reply To: MTCS

Roy Simson

IMCA does not recognise this certificate issued by MTCS as you can see from the reply its worthless , IMCA does support the idea that people have to show there competency which is fair due to the amount of people trying to sell them selfs as experince rov personnel when there not which is why I do not look at peoples log books when they come into my shack , Within a short time of working with them you know if there experinced or not .

As for MTCS issuing competency certs yes I agree its not value for money as they have no idea on your competency since how can they . Competency certs or work references should be issued by the Rov operators .

As for contacting other rov personnel just look back on the email from HPR and your find a list of over 200 rov personnel but it wont do any good as its all down to the clients requirements , If you look at wind farm work some clients accept OPITO and others will only accept GWO why on earth do we need training to work at Heights for subsea inspection . The rest of the GWO format is the same as OPITO but you need to do a GWO cert every 2 years , OPITO last as you know for 4 .

I think your find many of the guys reading this topic know already about MTCS but like I said some of the clients have bought into the scheme and there the people you have to convince .

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