Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Train at an ROV school or not? Reply To: Train at an ROV school or not?

Reply To: Train at an ROV school or not?

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Train at an ROV school or not? Reply To: Train at an ROV school or not?


In my opinion there is no value in ROV training schools and I agree with the viewpoint that these schools are placing their own business interests first. For years the diving industry has been littered with people who despite their ability (or lack of) have been persuaded to invest time and money in training courses, the carrot being big bucks and long term employment. Most of them end up with nothing more than a depleted bank balance and the realisation that employment opportunities are very limited.

The ROV industry is no different so wanabe pilots beware

Technical ability is a prerequisite, and piloting skills are best developed on the job. If you are technically qualified, invest your cash/time on a survival course and submit a decent CV to prospective employers.


That’s a good idea. I totally agree with u. 😀

simulation rachat credit

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