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Home Forums General General Board What Should Trainees Be Taught? Reply To: What Should Trainees Be Taught?

Ray Shields

I am new to the sight and I am learning alot from it, good and bad. I think the key is sussing out the negative guys from the positive, and straight forward. Do you mind if I ask you where you are working at the moment as from what I am reading sounds like you are an Instructor in the ROV industry with a vast knowledge and positive attitude for guys like me to hassle you with questions.cheers

I am working at Fugro, still offshore but recently been running their training courses for them.

And before anyone else says it ( 😀 ) I certainly do not have a vast knowledge of working offshore nor all of the different types of work that ROVs do nowadays. The range of work and of ROV themselves is now so great you would struggle to know it all – although it doesn’t seem to stop some people saying they do 😮

I just asked the question to try and get input from some of the SUpervisors offshore to see if there was any areas that may be improved in training. When I do the course I start by telling the boys they will be making tea, cleaning up, and on the winch. That this is not them being picked on, its exactly how every other ROVver started from Superintendents down.

They should go out there, and watch, ask questions, follow the Sub Eng, ask him what hes doing, read the manuals, be keen. Learn how to do the weekly maintenance (and I mean DO, not just tick the box on the paperwork).

If you are not keen, the crew will just think you dont want to learn and not give you the time of day. Be keen, be busy, ask questions, and they will be more than happy to show you, tell you and teach you.

You go out there to maintain and fix an ROV system, THAT is your primary role. Flying and using the manip is the pleasure you get out of your hours of hard work maintaining the damned thing. Some people take the title Pilot too literally and think it means they shouldnt get their hands dirty and all they are there for is to fly.

And by the way, using this forum is just good practise for offshore when you are sitting in the coffee shop listening to mumping and moaning – only this is on a global scale 😉

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