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Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions IMCA INFO NOTE Reply To: IMCA INFO NOTE

Ray Shields

As above, I agree it is the IMCA members who are asking for "IMCA Certificates" and various Training Schools who try and make out that you MUSt have been certified by them in order to be classed as an ROV Pilot.

I’m sick of telling people that IMCA do not certify anyone and that Training Schools may train based on your competencies, but this does not make them IMCA trained or certified.

I would suggest rather than aiming at the ROV World in general, you need to better inform the major companies, their agencies and sub contractors, exactly what IMCA competencies are and how to do them and also that there is no such thing as IMCA certification.

Having just left a company that is a member of IMCA who do not have their staff assessed to IMCA standards or were unable to provide any kind of competency paperwork for the staff they laid off, I suggest you also need to work with your current members to ensure that they are all assessing to your Associations standards.

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