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Reply To: Competence Schemes

Home Forums General General Board Competence Schemes Reply To: Competence Schemes



When you start a competence scheme you are given a number of tasks to fulfill during it and provide evidence of this for assessment. Having completed this it is then sent off to the company running the scheme(3rd party ususally. Then if its accepted you wil then be issued a certificate from them saying that you are competent in this position!
As far as I know IMCA set a guideline for this and the 3rd party company then make the scheme according to this.

An offshore company can then say that xxx amount of staff are now competetent in their said postion as per IMCA guidlines blah blah blah.

Somebody correct me if i’m wrong please.

I have never heard of anybody having to supply this cert along with any other but I suppose if you claim to have it then somebody will then ask you to prove it!!!

Hope this helps


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