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Reply To: Competence Schemes

Home Forums General General Board Competence Schemes Reply To: Competence Schemes


So you think training courses are a scam to wrangle money out of the new and uninitiated? Beware of any business promoting any competence scheme, especially one which is not accepted as an industry wide standard. Be VERY wary of anyone promoting said scheme when the business has a vested financial interest in the profit from your purchase of said scheme.

When being sold an argument that this is “an issue that is being pushed by clients and IMCA” hit the “X” button.

Clients performing due diligence want to see a readable cv or synopsis of experience of potential crewmembers. Savvy customers have no use for another pseudo “industry standard” with enough potential for misuse and misrepresentation as to be valueless to the truly competent and informed Project Manager in the market for an experienced ROV crew.

Demand to see FULL details of any scheme/scam prior to purchase. Request list of “clients pushing” this requirement. Contact Project managers involved in ROV services procurement and find one that seriously considers this “competency” in the contract award process.

A true set of competency standards, ACCEPTED AS A WORLD WIDE STANDARD IN A WORLD WIDE INDUSTRY, that incorporates training, apprenticeship, Supervisory enrichment, ongoing career development and independent monitoring and enforcement would level the playing field for all. Anything less will simply lighten your wallet of a hefty portion of pounds/dollars/rupees/pesos and may detrimentally tie you to a single company/agency requiring their own “in house” certification as another gateway to be passed in order for your cv to be submitted to the client. I have no problem with an agency that makes money setting this hurdle for the guys in their database. I do have a problem when this is presented as a new "industry requirement".

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