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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner electrician

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  • #2179

    hi there, have gone through previous posts and looked at the huge amount of people trying to get into the ROV industry. I am a fully qualified time served with electrical board electrician. I have NVQ’s, city and guilds 2360 and 2391 + JIB approved. My history is seven years as an electrician with a history in industrial and commercial and specialising in inspection, tetsing and fault finding.
    Now i understand from the prev posts that a mechanical engineer is probably ideal for this line of work. BUT is my background suitable and will it get me a chance at getting one of the very few trainee positions.
    Secondly would it be worth myself going on a hydraulics course to add to my current qualifications.
    I know you guys get an awfull lot of questions from newbe’s but any constructive help would be really appreciated.

    thanks alot

    Ray Shields

    Thanks for already saying you’ve gone through the previous posts, saves me saying to do it 🙂

    You are more than suitably qualified to get started with ROVs. Yes,having a bit of hydraulics experience/qualifications would certainly help. Although when you start in ROVs you are broadly classed as either being Electrical, Mechanical or Hydraulic.

    Most of the larger Workclass vehicles have high voltage/heavy power requirements meaning a lot of work required on the electrical side, dont think that ROVs are all about the mechanics and hydraulics. In fact if anything they are going more towards electrics all round these days.

    Have a look through the section in the FAQs on "How To Lay Out Your CV" and use it to tailor your own CV and experience and start getting it out there to the companies. Most of the Major companies take people on and then put then through an ROV training course so I really would just try applying direct rather than possibly spend thousamds of pounds of your own money on a training school course.


    thanks alot rayshields. I really appreciate your helpful and speedy reply.


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