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Reply To: Sub Net Service’s (philippines training for ROV pilots)

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Sub Net Service’s (philippines training for ROV pilots) Reply To: Sub Net Service’s (philippines training for ROV pilots)

Andy Shiers

I just Haaaaaaaaaaaaaave to speak 8)
So again we have the Pro’s and Conns of doing a course to enlighten the naive and innocent 😯
If there is a job out there for you and you have the inteligence and a good background with the basics……………… get an interview with an ROV company , If they see some potential …… You get a job and a trial period. If you have not got the potential , They will not employ you and you can think about going somewhere else or think about changing your occupation all together , Either way , the ROV company pays for your instruction come courses OR you still have a tidy little some of money saved which you can live on or put towards another type of business. The ROV courses around the world are there to make money off your back and what you learn for a week in one of their classrooms you would probably gain in one day plus more Offshore 🙄
Getting a medical is common sense and mandatory, Doing the survival is mandatory , the two of them combined is enough to prove that you are serious about working Offshore let alone the ROV industry and the company will see this because they do not have to pay out themselves. The only thing that ALL the ROV’s have in common is that they fly underwater 😯
There are many types of control systems , different types of fixtures and assemblies , Small rat type ROV’s and Big Big ones , Hydraulic , or Electrical or both . YOU WILL NOT learn about all these on a course ! You will learn about the basics ( saying AGAIN ) when you go work one day offshore , It’s common sense really 🙄
If you want to blow your money on a classroom lecture course ………………… It’s your perogative ! If you are that ‘Green’ that you have never worked in the offshore Industry at all 😕 I can give you a starter package for a princely sum ………………………….. All you have to do IS ……………………………………send me your account details and I will send you the information once a week for a period of twelve months 😀

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